Ma recherche
Je recherche tout type de contrat, en Franche Comte avec une rémunération plus de 3000 €, dans le Contrôle technique et sécurité.
OPTION: Géomagnétic
DEPARTEMENT : Géophysics
FACULTY : Earth science
UNIVERSITY: University of science and technology houari bomedienne USTHB Bab-Ezzouar -Alger
THÈME OF MEMORY: study of the secular variation by the satellite data of the CHAMP mission.
Expériences professionnelles
October 2014
Geophysics supervisor (Logging service) at SONATRACH-HMD to this day.
October 2013
Engineer at the geotechnical laboratory for building and reads (LGCR) in El Oued -
June 2012
Pre-employment contracts with the expert engineers real estate company (SOGEF) in El Oued - Algeria.
BAC and science and nature of life.
Atouts et compétences
Very good command of computer tools: hard and soft
Mastery of somes software: Techlog, AutoCAD and Covadis
Meadows have been working day and night.
Good physical condition.
Centres d'intérêts
reading, traveling, sports.