Ma recherche
Je recherche tout type de contrat, sur toute la région PACA, dans le Batiment.
12/2015 : Bac +5
Mechanical Engineering
12/2012 : Bac +2
Expériences professionnelles
01/2018 - 12/2018 : Lead Global Packaging Engineer chez Ge Vernova, Belfort
Technical expert on an international scope: Coordination and support to GE project teams and to the various actors related to packaging, handling, securing and multimodal transport operations for all GE projects driven by EMEA regions. Initiatives for upcoming transport challenges: Adaptation to the challenges of tomorrow's transport, deployment of technical solutions on packaging to improve total landed costs.
01/2016 - 12/2018 : Method Engineer chez Alten Consulting For General Electric Power, Bourogne
Project manager for the development of machining tools for turbine blades: Drafting technical specifications, consultation of sub-suppliers, project monitoring, continuous improvement. Development of tools for gripping parts in thermal spraying, sandblasting, ergonomic handling: CAD, drawings, outsourced manufacturing monitoring, reception, and functional validation.
01/2012 - 12/2015 : Design Engineer chez Liebherr-france Sas, Colmar
Fatigue test on welded assemblies at IMA Dresden: CAD, FEA, drawings, assembly supervision of fatigue kits that supply loads on upper/under carriage, boom, stick.
Anglais (Oral : courant / Ecrit : intermédiaire), Allemand (Oral : notions / Ecrit : débutant)
Atouts et compétences
Autocad Inventor, Pro/Engineer Wildfire 4 / Creo, Pro/Mechanica
Centres d'intérêts
ULM pilot, Viticulture in family business, Renovation of buildings