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Ingénieur Géologue de l'IGAL
Expériences professionnelles
Georex Assistance TechniqueAssistant Manager in Site Operations Business Unit - Follow-up of Wellsite Geologists activities: planning, logistics, training, human resources database Wellsite Geologist TOTAL Angola - Supervision of exploration wells in offshore Angola (Block 17) : extended reach wells, geosteering, supervision of LWD/ logging operations.Trainee in Wellsite Geology training program in TOTAL : mudlogging/ coring supervision, WINLOG reporting, QA/QC LWD and wireline acquisition, GWD, Geolog 6, Powerlog, Predict geopressure.TOTAL : Composite Log Workshop, PauGaz de France :- Data inventory and screening for complementary data from SONATRACH on Touat permit (Algeria)- Touat permit E&P technical data management for digitizing
IPEDEX, Meuse, FranceField Geologist- Sedimentologic follow-up of shaft drilling and access gallery to underground disposal site of radioactive waste in Bures (France)- Production of Composite Logs (scale 1 :20 and 1 :100) and monthly / daily detailed geological report.
GEOSERVICES International S.A. (Worldwide)Mudlogger / Data Engineer- Geological analysis, abnormal pressure detection, fluids inflow detection.- Acquisition (ALS system) and well drilling parameters control.ATOFINA (France) and TotalFinaElf (Congo) : horizontal development wells -Fields LIKOUALA, TCHENDO (H2S), SONATRACH/ANADARKO (Algeria) BERKINE Field
Structure et Réhabilitation - Engineering company, Paris, France- Audit / diagnosis of underground facilities (tunnels, sewage systems)- Geological risk analysis in sewage networks
Centres d'intérêts
Vélo, Natation, Tennis, Squash, golf